
Love Stories - Poems


A Romance - A Tear
A Joy - A Sadness
A Word - A Lie
A Kiss - A Disillusion
A Smile - A Deception
A Hug - A Goodbye

 - Cathy Pain -

You're Welcome

From such sweet lips
I don't hear words
That can make me happy

You asked me for dessert
I brought you just a knife
..Ai! You said your last thank you.

- Cathy Pain -

Come to eat me .. wild lions
I want to be like you and learn from you
What one day comes to the mouth
Never lasts forever ..

- Cathy Pain -

From you, I liked what you didn't say,
What you said, I didn't like

- TM -

On the path of passion
I found a thousand and one love spies
that tried to take possession of my little heart
Sadness of the past that repeats again

So many good and bad actors that passed through me
I am the target of several attempts of premature madness 

One second of happiness is enough  for a lifetime of unhappiness
One year of unhappiness is what it takes for a second of happiness destroy my hopes of being happy one day

                    - Cathy Pain -