
Situations that will help to find out a person's true character

"A good person doesn't do to others, what wouldn't like to be done to them". 
But sometimes it takes time until it comes to the surface. 
There are some situations that will help you to realize faster. 

  • " Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you". Pay attention how they treat a waiters of both genders.

  • " A person that is good to you but not good to others is not a good person". Check how this person treats everybody in general. A good person is not just good to you and to their friends and family. A good person is good to everybody.  It doesn't mean that a good person should like everybody,  but should have a valid reason to not like a person. 

  • "We are all different and all equal". How does that person feels about Homeless people? Elderly? Sick people? Disabled people? Children? Animals? Homosexuals? People from others races and colors? How talks about them? How interacts with them? A person that doesn't treat people as an equal or has no empathy, most likely is a selfish person that judges people by the cover and don't care about others. 

  • The behaviour changes in front of others, and the opinions changes. Try to understand why.

  • How this person makes you feel? Do you feel you should change something in you? Nothing you do is good enough? 

  • " If you want to know what they say about you, hear what they say about others". Observe if that person talks about others in their back. Possibly is  doing the same to you.