True Love
Forget everything you read about love. The majority is just so superficial.
These 7 steps are the key to achieve romantic love, but it can be used as basis for any kind of relationship. As the way we love our soulmate should be the same we love our parents, our children, our friends and everybody around us. Without the sexual involvement of two lovers, of course.
These 7 steps are the key to achieve romantic love, but it can be used as basis for any kind of relationship. As the way we love our soulmate should be the same we love our parents, our children, our friends and everybody around us. Without the sexual involvement of two lovers, of course.
The love basis is the same. Love is to do good to others. Love is good in its purest form.
What is Love?
1st Step
What is Love?
Every human being desires Love.. Even those that don't acknowledge it.
I was looking for love but I noticed some people were looking for others things that they called love, as: passion, beauty, company, sex, economical benefits, professional benefits, etc..
After all, Love isn't just to find a match that wants to spend time with us..
The first step to find love is being truly looking for love..
But what is love?
Well, love is so many things and it's so different to each one of us.
but for sure it's.. give and receive with no demands,
it's to care, to share, to respect,
it's joy and sadness,
it's jealousy and trust,
it's disagreement and understanding,
it's kisses, hugs, sweet words, affection
Love doesn't humiliate,
Love is not domineering or submissive
Well, love is so many things and it's so different to each one of us.
but for sure it's.. give and receive with no demands,
it's to care, to share, to respect,
it's joy and sadness,
it's jealousy and trust,
it's disagreement and understanding,
it's kisses, hugs, sweet words, affection
Love doesn't humiliate,
Love is not domineering or submissive
Love is the natural adaptation to each other without losing ourselves in the process..
Love is to face life adversities together without giving up and move forward holding hands.
Sometimes, love brings out our darker side, but makes us want to become a better person.
Love is not perfect because we aren't perfect, but surely is a good thing.
Love is not perfect because we aren't perfect, but surely is a good thing.
Above all, love is to believe in love.
If two people believe in love, Love is real! Love exists!
2nd and 3rd Steps
How to find true love?
To find true love the second step is to find someone that is, also, looking for the same.
Unfortunately, love is not the same for everybody.
For some Love should come well dressed, driving an expensive car, preferable good looking and with lots of confidence.
You should look for a person and not for a body. Body is temporary. Beauty is temporary.
Someone with a good heart. That one is truly your prince charming.
You should look for a person and not for a body. Body is temporary. Beauty is temporary.
Someone with a good heart. That one is truly your prince charming.
In the end, love is a set of expectations.
There are people that are expecting to feel butterflies;
Others expect the other half to like sports;
Some are expecting the better half to be funny;
There are some that are expecting their soul mates to have voluptuous breasts;
Others are expecting to have 2 children with the other half;
and on...
There are people that are only expecting to love and to be loved and this is the third step in the right direction to true love.
Expectations are going to cause serious disappointments in the moment the other person does not meet them.
Expectations are going to cause serious disappointments in the moment the other person does not meet them.
The other person will be failing.. without ever having promised nothing…without ever knowing... of your expectations...
If there are subjects that are really important to you, you should ask the other person during the first dates.
4th Step
Many people only open the door to their bedroom, the door to their life, but not for their heart and the other remains just a guest.
The most important is what you feel and the other can feel it.
It is necessary to let you give yourself.. to let your heart to be stolen, with no reservations, no fears.. otherwise .. you cannot truly love..
In love there's no place for victims or villains..that simply is not's something else...a mexican series, an indian movie, maybe.
It is necessary to let you give yourself.. to let your heart to be stolen, with no reservations, no fears.. otherwise .. you cannot truly love..
In love there's no place for victims or villains..that simply is not's something else...a mexican series, an indian movie, maybe.
5th Step
But what is the difference between love and passion?
Love is so frequently confused with passion.
Passion is so much simpler and much easier than love...
Passion is the beginning..
- is the attraction;
- the excitement of the discovery;
- finding things in common;
- that anxiety of wanting to see the other;
- the need of constantly talking with the other;
- the suffering of being apart;
- spending all the time with that person and forgetting the friends;
- the desire of making love all the time;
- that person that can't leave our thoughts;
- feeling the need to say incessantly "I love you";
- is when we make the most beautiful love promises: "I want to be with you forever "…'s intense, overwhelming, breathtaking.. but that is not love yet.. that is passion..
There are many people that believe that love is this. And that's why when the passion is gone they believe that love is also gone...and they start looking for a new relationship that makes them feel all these emotions ..but passion is all relationships.
Passion may last 1 or 2 years.. maybe more.
Love is what comes after that euphoria, after that initial enchantment..
Love is what comes after that euphoria, after that initial enchantment..
Love happens when you are not blinded by the passion anymore and start to see the real person, the personality, dealing with the disagreements, having less patience…here is when the second stage starts.. the stage from passion to love .... that's why is hard to find love…
Love is not a fairy tale.. love is the adaptation of two personalities to the daily life.. it's to deeply get to know the other, accept it…and respect it.
The fifth step to love is to know the difference between love and passion.
Love is wanting to stay after the passion is gone..
Love is wanting to stay after the passion is gone..
6th step
How to maintain Love?
It may not be hard to find "love", as the physical attraction and passion will help a lot, in the initial stage, but to maintain love that will not be enough.. at least not for long..
The most important is to be a good person. Yes! That is the secret to find and maintain true love: being truly a good person and look for somebody with the same values or similar.
Being a good person is step number six.
Being a good person is step number six.
So, what is being a good person?
I believe everybody have an idea, but the basis is to treat others as you would like to be treated.
Only a good person can truly love. Love is goodness, is the good.
If your partner starts to disrespect you, to humiliate you...that love will die.. cause it is not possible to truly love who mistreat us…
Love is not perfect but is pure..
.. love is human but never abusive.
.. love is human but never abusive.
After all, aren't we all looking for something, someone that make us feel good? happy?
Isn't that what we are looking in love? Isn't that what we want from love?
Love can only be good if we are good.. it is not possible otherwise..
Isn't that what we are looking in love? Isn't that what we want from love?
Love can only be good if we are good.. it is not possible otherwise..
True love doesn't values clothes, cars, houses, nationality, money, beauty.. In love, it is not important what the other can offer us.
That is not love. It's a kind of commercial transaction.
That is not a true love pursuit attitude.
That is not a true love pursuit attitude.
The other is not a mean to achieve what you want. Would you like someone to "love" you like that?
For what you can offer?
7th Step
Love and Cheating
Cheating is hard to predict...after the passion.. can come love.. and love is calmer and complex...
Love is not as intense as passion... there's nothing new anymore, no seduction..
The only thing that can be done is to keep yourself away from places where people are "looking for love". We cannot desire what we don't see.
Why would we put ourselves in situations of temptation? Like adding strange people on social network, online chats or going to nigth clubs.
Why would we put ourselves in situations of temptation? Like adding strange people on social network, online chats or going to nigth clubs.
If we respect and love or partner, we will not do to them, what we wouldn't like them to do to us..
There's nothing more sad than living a lie.. than devoting our time, that is passing so quickly, to someone that is wasting it ..that doesn't value it..
If we don't feel the same way about the other, if what we are looking for is the dazzle of the passion, we should let the other person know and get out of her/his life right give them the possibility to find true love.