Navigators followed the stars to find their way to land. Maybe, we can find our soulmate using astrology. Astrology revea...
What is, in fact, Sex? Sex is an important part of relationships. Sex are sensations, pleasure, an explosion, a liberation, a reli...
15 Best Rock Love Songs: Radiohead - " Creep" Seether ft Amy Lee - "Broken" Anathema - "Untouchable" ...
Parents are the first contact of the child with the world. The world of the family is what the child believes to be the world. Fro...
The Crow Crazy Stupid Love The Notebook Message in a bottle Before Sunrise Dear John Ps I Love You M...
Old wounds from the past that you want to hide, to forget, drown inside yourself, lock memories.. ..To start fresh, be a n...
Homosexuality is not something new . Same-sex relationships are present in the history of our civilizations. Today, homosexuals ...
"I take you to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in s...
Previously, it was "Love others", today is "Love yourself". What was supposed to be understood as : you don...
Romantic relationships makes us feel good, happy, but it can consume us and deeply shake our self-esteem, if we blindly follow in ...