
The Eternal Battle of the Sexes

Why relationships between man and woman are always so tempestuous? Why are they so different? 

In order to understand this, we need to understand who they are.

Everything starts in the day they are conceived. The chromosomes Y and the X, determine if they are a girl or a boy.
Woman and man born different. Boys with more testosterone hormones and girls with more estrogen hormones. 

The most evident differences influenced by the hormones are:

  • Men are physically more active;
  • Men are more visual;
  • Men are more aggressive and competitive;
  • They are more practical;
  • More functional intelligence;
  • Challenges and risk-taker;
  • They have naturally more muscular tissue;
  • Anatomically stronger;
  • Normally, what they say is what its means;
  • Problem solver;
  • Better in manual labour;
  • They have more difficulty to express emotions verbally.

  • Women are mentally more active;
  • Women are more verbal;
  • More focus in relationship building;
  • More detail-oriented;
  • More emotional intelligence;
  • Their emotions influences decisions;
  • Better memory;
  • They have naturally more fatty tissue;
  • More social and interactive;
  • Are normally more cleaner;
  • Better multitasking;
  • Women feel fear for anticipation, but tolerates pain better;
  • Women verbally express their emotions easier.

After they born, the education, the role models and the teachings of the parents and society, plays the main role. 

A big part os us is product of our environment and our experiences with our environment.

For society, boys are expected to be strong in the outside and tough in the inside. Girls are expected to be delicate in manners and in feelings. 

Normally is always given more freedom to boys than girls.

Men and women are stereotyped and pressured by society. 

Men's point of view
  • Men are expected to give the first step with women, but often are rejected and have to deal with the affects in their self-esteem;
  • Sensibility in men is seen as weakness;
  • Men feel the responsibility to be the main provider for the family;
  • Men feel pressured to be professionally successful;
  • Men are assumed to be obsessed with sex and being cheaters;
  • Men are believed to not be able to take care of themselves, therefore to need a woman;
  • Men are believed to be clumsy in domestic tasks;

Women's point of view
  • Women feel objectified;
  • Women are seen as vulnerable;
  • Women are expected to eat little and stay thin;
  • Woman are pressured to look beautiful;
  • Women shouldn't manifest sexual desires;
  • Women should be everything in one: beautiful, perfect wife, perfect housewife, perfect mother, perfect lover and to have a perfect career. 

It's expected, for both, to marry before 40's and have children.

Man and woman are different creatures, with different perspectives of the reality, that want different things. But they, both, feel pressured by society, and by each other.

Sexism Vs Feminism
Sexism is very old. The man that knows better and decides everything.  The man superior to woman. The male domination over female. 
Unfortunately, sexism is still very rooted in today's society. The mentality that "if the women doesn't follow the man, he is not man enough". 

The way women were treated along the history of the humankind, makes me wonder, what if women weren't needed for procreation and there were no pleasure in sex, would women be just slaves? 
Women were already slaves but with marriage and some kind of affection (I want to believe). Would have been worse?

Today, women don't want to be waiting in home, to be rescued by the prince charming anymore. 
On the contrary, they want to be independent. It doesn't mean that they don't want to get married and have children. 

Feminism is not about women wanting to dominate men, like men did with women. 
Feminism is women wanting to have the same rights, the same equality in all areas, at all levels, just like men. 

I don't understand why men would be threatened. If they really believe to be the best in everything. Shouldn't exist no fears. 
Maybe they know that women are capable of intelligence and to perform well. 

Women started to have some rights and equality 100 years ago, and they already, not only, prove to be able of the same, but they were also able to caught men, in such short period of time. 

Imagine if women weren't constrained, all these centuries, to the role of wife and mother! What could they have contributed to society. 
Women have different skills. 

Women and men are complementary: strength and delicacy; 
Together there's balance. 
Separated is just strength alone and just delicacy alone. 

They need each other. The weakness of one is the strength of the other. There a reason for them to be different. 
Everything has a purpose.