Get to know someone in 50 questions

After knowing the answers to this questions, you'll know the person that is with you:

  1. What is your perfect job? And the worst?
  2. Are you usually earlier or late?
  3. If you could wake up in other's body, who would you pick?
  4. What age you would you like to have permanently?
  5. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?
  6. What annoys you the most? 
  7. What is the most interesting place you have been?
  8. What is the best way to start the day?
  9. What is the city/place where you would like to live in?
  10. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
  11. What one thing you want, but cannot afford yet?
  12. What are you most likely to became famous for?
  13. What question would you most like to know the answer to?
  14. What was the best compliment you received?
  15. Who inspires you?
  16. What would you never do again?
  17. What do you spend the most time thinking of?
  18. What is your favourite smell?
  19. If you had to change your name, what name would it be?
  20. What do you want to be remembered for?
  21. What is the best thing you got from your parents?
  22. if you life was a book what title would it has?
  23. What lie do you tell most often?
  24. What gives your life meaning?
  25. What was the biggest mistake in History?
  26. What will you never spend money on?
  27. Who would be the worst celebrity to have dinner with?and the best?
  28. What do you know way to much?
  29. What is the worst thing you ever tasted?
  30. What was the worst injury you got?
  31. Would you travel to a foreign country all by yourself?
  32. What would you change in your body?
  33. What is the best and worst thing about being male/female?
  34. What place would like to visit?
  35. What personality trait you appreciate more and less in a person?
  36. what would wish to know when you were young?
  37. What's your favourite song?
  38. What's your favourite quote?
  39. What is your most terrible and  most happy memory?
  40. Do you believe in God?
  41. What tv show or film would you recommend?
  42. How often do you do you play sports?
  43. What's your favourite drink?
  44. What is the best day on the calendar?
  45. What is your favourite food?
  46. Are you still friends with anyone from your hometown?
  47. Calling or texting?
  48. What have you learned about yourself from the past relationships?
  49. Do you like art?
  50. What 3 wishes would you make?