
Questions that will save you time

It takes time to get to know a person. "People are like onions", they have several layers.
These questions will help to reveal the personality of the person you are meeting, and, in the meantime, to have some fun too. 

There's no right answers. The important is to understand, if there's the compatibility that you are looking for, and the differences that you can handle or not. 

  1. Do you have/ like pets?
  2. Night out or evening in?
  3. What year's season do you prefer?
  4. Are you a day or night person?
  5. Swimming pool or ocean?
  6. Clean or messy person?
  7. Favorite quote?
  8. If you could just have one: looks or intelligence? 
  9. Who knows you the best?
  10. Have you ever broke someone's heart? Why?
  11. If you could only keep 5 things?which?
  12. What about the opposite sex confuses you the most?
  13. Do you have or had nicknames? What is the story.
  14. Do you think is possible for a woman and a man to be just friends?
  15. What is your dream job?
  16. Which person do you admire?Why?
  17. Are you religious?
  18. Do you want to have children?

Situations that will help to find out a person's true character

"A good person doesn't do to others, what wouldn't like to be done to them". 
But sometimes it takes time until it comes to the surface. 
There are some situations that will help you to realize faster. 

  • " Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you". Pay attention how they treat a waiters of both genders.

  • " A person that is good to you but not good to others is not a good person". Check how this person treats everybody in general. A good person is not just good to you and to their friends and family. A good person is good to everybody.  It doesn't mean that a good person should like everybody,  but should have a valid reason to not like a person. 

  • "We are all different and all equal". How does that person feels about Homeless people? Elderly? Sick people? Disabled people? Children? Animals? Homosexuals? People from others races and colors? How talks about them? How interacts with them? A person that doesn't treat people as an equal or has no empathy, most likely is a selfish person that judges people by the cover and don't care about others. 

  • The behaviour changes in front of others, and the opinions changes. Try to understand why.

  • How this person makes you feel? Do you feel you should change something in you? Nothing you do is good enough? 

  • " If you want to know what they say about you, hear what they say about others". Observe if that person talks about others in their back. Possibly is  doing the same to you. 

Love at First Click!

Dating apps

    Social networks
          Naked photos
            Having sex

              This is how it starts and ends the search for "Love" today.

              These are the seduction's procedures and the romance of the relationships of this generation.

              We want it right now!  We want to live it strait away! There's no time to waste!

              Obviously, the modern gadgets and the internet are the ones making this possible.

              We can reach everybody, showing our best photos and say whatever we want. 
              And if the answer is not what we expected, we just delete the contact and block. 

              We don't need to have the courage to personally approach a stranger in the street, or bar; propose sex face to face; wait for the answer...and deal with it.

              There's no shyness behind a screen. Everybody is bold!

              The seduction are our best photos, where our body looks the best and we look having lots of fun. 

              We don't need to, actually, be in other's life, anymore; to be in the same places, with friends, actually, having fun; making eye contact; and find an excuse to start a conversation. 

              The photos on our profile will do that for us. Will create the scenario for us. So the other person will feel attracted and will want to be part of that too.

              Hopefully the photos will correspond to the reality. Cause in the virtual world we can be whatever we want to be.

              Now, Love comes like fast food. Ordered by a click in a network or app.

              Now, sex comes first, after that comes dating, and then maybe love. 

              Men and women are again "objects" that have to look appealing at first click..cause, here, is "love" at first click..

              Love, here, depends on beauty, body, attraction and your availability for having sex..

              Why are people looking for love through sex?

              What kind of love is that? First you meet the body and after that the mind? the personality?

              When comes feelings?

              How can the human twist everything? Even love? Love that was supposed to bring mankind together ..

              Why are we killing Love?

              What are we doing?

              Friends with Benifits

              Friends with benefits, a modern invention of the western cultures, for occasional sex without emotional attachments or commitments. 
              A person can have one "sex friend" or several that will call, text, whenever wants to see them again. 

              It can, sometimes, includes watching a movie, a coffee and sex or just having sex. 

              Prostitutes must be very upset, losing lots of money.. sex is their business: sex whenever someone wants, with no emotional attachments and no commitments for a specific price.  And now regular people are offering the same conditions but for free! 

              Here, love is disposable, a burden, complicated.. why do we want to take love out of the equation? 

              You have the sex, a friend  and the fun activities that a couple make together. Just love was left out.. is love that complicated? 

               ...Why can't we have a romantic relationship with a person that is also our best friend? 

              It looks like people don't want to have feelings; don't want to get hurt; don't want to care; don't want to deal with jealousy; don't want to deal with the daily problems; don't want to commit; Don't want to worry about anybody else...
              It's so easy, so cold, so selfish..

              After all, what are these people doing with each other?

              Polygamous "love"

              Polygamy is legal in some countries, 
              where a man can be married with more than one wife simultaneous. Just the man is allowed. 

              Instead of a man cheating, can marry another one. At least, the wife knows. But is it fair?
              Why would a woman agree to share her husband? 
              Why would she believe that she deserves to live half a love? To have half a time? Half of attention? 

              Half of everything... assuming they(wives) get the same.

              I imagine, there must be some competition between the wives. 

              Or the wives are not marrying for love or they were brainwashed very good. 

              And, why can't a man share his wife? Why can't a woman also marry to several husbands at once? Is it promiscuous? Immoral? A dishonor? A shame?

              Isn't the opposite? Why? 

              Love for three

              Can we love more than one person at once?
              You can, definitely, fell attracted to one person, ten, twenty, hundred at once...There are so many beautiful people... but feeling love..I don't think so. 

              That is something else.. more like lust...

              Love is dedication, love is taking care, love is possessive, love is commitment, loyalty .. 

              Are you feeling the same for both of them?
              That is wanting to live two stories at once. It's like wanting to be in two places at the same time.
              Not being able to decide, it seems that nobody is special, cause if someone was special there was no doubt.
              When you cannot decide...most likely you don't love none of them.. 

              Or maybe you are in a relationship and you suddenly felt attracted for other person...and now you are confused... probably it is just are not in love with two people at the same time...

              In the meantime you are cheating on both of them... while you decide... 
              Love doesn't hurt, at least not in purpose. When you believe you "love" two people, you are hurting both. 

              Would like the same to happen to you? 

              Unfortunately, people just understand what it feels, what it hurts, when it happens to them.. 

              Love and Infidelity

              Cheating has been happening for so long..

              It seems that in every romance there is always infidelity. Even in the most beautiful and magical love story there is always a stain.

              Who was never cheated before? 

              What is cheating?
              Cheating is betraying someone's trust. 
              Cheating can just exist if there were promises of monogamy.
              Cheating is everything that has an emotional and sexual purpose that was promised to just one person. 

              It can be feeling sexually attracted to other, pretending to be single, flirting, secretly keeping in touch with an ex, engaging in sexual conversations, kisses,  having sexual encounters, getting emotionally involved, etc. 

              In the end, It will depend on the expectations we created in the other person, the illusions, the promises. 

              Why people cheat?
              Well, there are all kind of excuses from "I was drunk", I wasn't getting enough sex in the relationship", "we were always arguing", "I was seduced", "it was the routine", "my partner isn't dressing sexy anymore, and many others.

              Hidden behind all these and others excuses is the need of feeling desired, the need for attention, the lost seduction, missing passion, sexual intensity, the excitement of the forbidden, running from the routine, the wanting what we cannot have, wanting to be another person, the enthusiasm of the discovery, the desire of change.. 

              ..The strongest hidden  message might be "this is not working"..

              Who Cheats more?
              The fact is men look for cheating more actively... they might be the ones to start the flirt...but that doesn't mean that men cheat more than women...It takes two. Another person is needed  to commit it. 
              So, the number is the same. A man cannot cheat alone. 
              The woman might not not know the first time, in the beginning but not after a week, a month, years...

              Does it worth it?
              Does it really worth it to put our relationship in the line? 
              Do we have more feelings for our affair than for our partner? than for the live we have together? What about our children?  
              No? So why doing it?

              It is hurtful, abusive, immature and selfish. 
              There's another person here. Another person that is living a lie, while we are living our secret life.
              This isn't something that we would lightly tell to our parents, children, friends, nobody, isn't? 

              Cause it's not a good thing to do. There's nothing to be proud of. 
              Wouldn't we feel ashamed if somebody knowns? Wouldn't our family be ashamed? What people in our city would think about us?

              Why doing something that makes us fell guilty, instead of trying to fix our relationship?
              Or why just not breaking it once and for all?

              Telling or not telling?
              Could our relationship survive and rebuilt? the pain...scars, tears, resentment, the broken trust, the feeling of rejection... 

              Who knows! It's seems lots of hard work, patience, the true forgiveness, healing, maturity, growth... 

              ...After all, the fairy tale is over.. being cheated is the realization that "we are not the perfect happy couple" and "I am not special for my loved one"... It's a lot to take in..

              When you truly love the other and yourself...cheating doesn't go here! There's a conflict in accepting it. 
              But, when you don't truly love your partner or you don't love yourself.. you will easily forgive cheating. 

              Can we avoid infidelity? Is there a cure? 
              It depends. 
              Is the infidelity just about desire and lust or it's related with us wanting to ignore that we don't love the other anymore, and our relationship isn't fulfilling us anymore? 

              If you still love your partner and is just something sexual, only dialogue can help you to get what you need from sex.

              And is very important to keep ourselves away from places where people are "looking for love".  We cannot desire what we don't see. 

              If cheating is also emotional...maybe it's time to end your official relationship..

              Maybe we changed and the other doesn't fulfill us anymore.

              Just we can know. We have to understand ourselves..

              Maybe to avoid infidelity and adultery, some eastern cultures allows the man to marry more than one wife, with the knowledge of the first or/and second wives. Having the duty to provide for all of them equality. 
              Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to women too. Maybe, acknowledging the nature of man, his urge for sex and his weakness to resist cheating. Or maybe just for pure sexism, chauvinism. Who knows. 

              But even in the west, in open relationships where you are allowed to have more sexual partners, cheating seems to happen too..

              What about people that doesn't cheat?
              There are people that don't look for cheating. That's true! But what happens when the opportunity is presented? Even without being looking for it... there...easy...available... beautiful...irresistible.. a colleague from work hitting on you, a sensual photo sent by an ex.. just one time... nobody will find out..
              How many people would resist it? 

              Hopefully many..

              Cheating is an illusion.. a fantasy
              Your affair is making you feel all of this, but formalize it, marry your affair.. bring it to the real domestic life.. let's see where is all that difference. Let's see how long the magic, the excitement will last! 

              And...are you sure you would trust this person to be in a relationship with you? After all, you have been cheating with this person, that was your "partner in crime". Can this person be trusted?

              Would it work?

              When loyalty is a meaningless word
              Cheating is not just hurting the other, is cheating on ourselves too. Cause we are in that relationship too. That is ours too. This is something we built too. And, now, we are destroying it. 
              We are on it too, but, by cheating we making it fake, empty, superficial, a lie.. and this is what we are living...

              ...this is our life and how we choose to live it... cheating is a lie...where we are someone's time's thief... 

              We always have the choice. 

              There are animals more loyal to their couples than humans.. 

              Same-sex Love

              Homosexuality is not something new. Same-sex relationships are present in the history of our civilizations. 

              Today, homosexuals are fighting for the same rights of heterosexual couples. 
              After all, they are citizens and humans beings. Why the civil rights are not including them? Why can't they marry, have children, have taxes benefits, etc ? 

              All the human beings are "protected" by the universal fundamental  rights to be treated equally and with dignity.

              We can't ignore something that exists. Ignoring is not going to make it disappear. It will just create new problems: discrimination, violence, lies, marriage for appearances, mental issues, etc.  
              But is not going to make it disappear. 

              When we force somebody to be what they aren't, they can pretend, but they will not change. The result can be people marrying others and having children just to fit in society and what society expect from them, but secretly maintaining homosexual affairs. 

              This person is living a fake marriage, a fake life, but is also making someone's life fake. And the other person doesn't know. What it's even more sad. 

              Wasting their lives... to please others, society.. but instead of one victim, there are, now, two.. maybe even more, if we count the children, caught in the middle of this acting play.

              Homosexuals will find any kind of escapes, sometimes by becoming a priest or a nun and living a life of loneliness and isolation. 
              Maybe is their way of asking forgiveness to their God, or to runaway from a society that doesn't accept them, because they cannot love, cannot marry, cannot have children, cannot live freely their love...cannot be themselves.

              We cannot deny that the nature of sex is clearly procreation. When a man and a woman have intercourse, they will very probably generate another human being. To avoid pregnancy they will have to use inventions created by men. 

              Anatomically, the shape of the male sexual organ is designed to deliver the sperm to the woman's womb. Males homosexuals are using the anus to deposit the sperm somewhere in the rectum, which main function is to expel the human waste. Female homosexuals aren't depositing nothing anywhere. 

              The purpose of sex is, objectively, the continuation of the species.
              The purpose of dating, marrying is, after all, to have children and to raise those children to marry and have children too.. perpetuating the species. 

              This is the purpose of all the species of the world, to survive to procreate, for their species to survive and procreate. Only the strong survive.

              So, why are same gender people attracted to each other? Going against their own anatomy designs? Don't they feel the need to leave their seed? 
              Is this a form of natural selection made by nature? Only the strong genes will survive? Is that why a gender is not attracted by the opposite gender? Because their genes are not supposed to survive? And for that reason aren't meant to procreate?

              There must be a reason why some people are attracted to the same sex gender knowing that they will never have a  natural family with the person they love. 
              Even if they want to have children through insemination or adoption, they will always need the other gender to conceive... 

              Obviously, nobody chooses to be homosexual. 
              Nobody chooses to go the hard way. 
              No teenager, that is still struggling to understand who they are, what are they doing here, how does this works, will choose to go against the whole society, the parents, their education, culture, traditions, religion, their anatomy, the way things are suppose to be normal,... 
              Nobody chooses to be excluded, repressed, threatened, attacked, etc...

              ..And, if God created us, why would He create something against His teachings? Why would He create people that cannot follow his teachings? That cannot procreate? 
              Dooming them to live without a natural family; not having nobody to take care of them in the old ages and to die leaving nobody to remember them...

              If homosexuality is a sin, why would God create sin? 

              How can homosexuals be religious? Nobody can follow a God that rejects them, calls them a sin, that tells them that their destiny is to burn in hell...

              Homosexuals, surely, didn't choose who they were going to feel attracted to. 
              Surely, they wouldn't go against their own bodies and the only normality they know, that is their society.

              Some homosexuals want so much to feel like regular people, that they are, even, transforming their own bodies and replacing their sexual organs to match what they feel with who they are. 

              Many homosexuals look so loud, funny and happy.. but behind that mask there's lots of suffering. 
              Their fight is not easy. Fighting against everything, even their own body. 
              They feel like a woman, but are living in a man's body...or they feel like a man, but they are carrying a woman's body, 

              And it's kind of ironic that the man, that was always superior over women, in all civilizations of our world history, (and we can still feel, today, the sexism)..  his male body, that gives him the superiority, just for being man...wants to be a woman, wants to look like a woman, to sound like a woman, wants what woman wants.. wants somehow that submission.. Cause they feel like a woman...

              ...the male body with a woman mind...maybe the perfect human being! Strength and sensitivity.. 

              Is this the beginning of a new human species? an evolution of the human race? Where men are born with more female hormones to become more sensitive, less violent? And women with more testosterone hormones to get more practical and tougher?

              Maybe a bit more of each one will make a better human being...more balanced.. 

              What we have now is clearly not working. The human species took over the world and is destroying it, killing our habitat, others species, killing each other, for everything and anything.. 

              Is Nature or God trying to improve their creation? Is this an experiment? The course of human evolution? Will homosexuals be able to reproduce in the future?

              Love and Beauty

              Previously, it was "Love others", today is "Love yourself". 

              What was supposed to be understood as: you don't have to be perfect, love yourself as you are! Don't be so hard on you, learn with your mistakes! Don't accept others mistreat you! Nobody is better than you! Accept yourself! You are important too! 

              What was supposed to be something motivational to help people to feel better about themselves, with their struggles, with their bodies, to accept themselves is being interpreted egocentrically as: You come first! What matters is what you feel! Do only what makes you happy! Pamper yourself! Buy whatever makes you happy! Work your body to be at your best! You are the most important!

              The "Love yourself" became take care of yourself, of your appearance, especially for women. Pampering themselves with clothes, tons of makeup, hairstyles, gym, beauty treatments, cosmetic surgeries, etc. 
              Whatever it takes for you to feel good in your own skin! So you can love yourself!

              I believe this it the opposite of "love yourself", this is " I need to change myself so I can love myself". " I need to mask myself to love myself".

              "Love yourself" is to accept yourself as you are! You don't need to look "perfect" to love yourself! 

              Nobody is perfect!

              Do you really believe you need to look "perfect" to be loved?

              Do you really believe that low self-esteem is worked on the outside?

              Do you really believe that you just look beautiful with make up and clothes? 

              If so, you don't believe you are beautiful. The makeup and clothes are the ones that are beautiful. 

              You don't love yourself. You love the makeup and clothing you are wearing!
              You love the illusion of yourself made by the makeup.

              If you have reasons to believe that people around you think you are beautiful only in make up and trendy clothes. 
              These people don't love you! 
              They just love the makeup and clothes you wear. 

              Get rid of those people! They are more toxic than the chemicals of the beauty products you are wearing. They are poisoning you, too!

              The only people that really love you, are the beauty industries, cause all the money you are giving them!

              Today, men want to look muscular, like the heroes of the action movies and women slim, with large breasts and big bottom, like some famous singers or porn movies stars. 

              They don't want to admire these characters anymore. They want to be the ones to be admired!

              The muscles in men are synonymous of masculinity and strength. The protection that females are, intrinsically, looking for in a male, to start a family. 
              But when these muscles are not natural, they are no more than unhealthy and deformed bodies.  

              In women, large breast and big button symbolizes femininity and fertility. But, being slim and having large breast and big bottom is not something easy to achieve, considering that breast and bottom are fat and yet you need to be slim..So silicone and cosmetic surgery are the easier way to go..

              The laws of attraction are based in procreation, continuation of species.. that's the reason why every couple, normally, have children. 
              It's a primitive need of all the species. 
              It's the nature of all the animals to look healthy, strong and attractive to be chosen for procreation. To ensure the continuation of the species.

              Love is surely connected with procreation, but is more than attraction. 

              When your concern is just the looks, the message you are sending to the opposite sex is procreation. And when you are showing lots of skin... the message is much stronger. 

              In reality, what you see are men on an hormonal pills diet and women walking with pieces of plastic inside their bodies to shape the desired figure.. It is no more than an illusion.

              Like I said before, Nobody is perfect!

              Deformed men and women carrying pieces of silicone.. such a  beautiful couple! Very attractive, indeed. Don't you think so?

              They must love themselves very much and even more each other!!

              Don't fool yourself! 
              Like mentioned before, nobody is perfect! Not even, the models, that supposedly are defining the beauty standards. 
              There's lots of make up work, lights, photoshop..These women are not even real.. they have acne, cellulite, stretch marks.. just like you.

              You cannot compete with make up artists, professional photographers and photoshop. What you see is not real!

              It is truth that beauty can make it easier to find love, but if the  package content doesn't correspond to the expectations of the other, hardly it will go further than the initial attraction, the sexual passion..

              That's why you should truly " Love yourself". 

              Work your inside, make some self-discovery, eat good, exercise your body to keep it healthy and embrace your beauty.

              ...and love will naturally come to you!