Toxic Love

Romantic relationships makes us feel good, happy, but it can consume us and deeply shake our self-esteem, if we blindly follow in love in a toxic relationship. 

Even blindly in love, there are several signs that help us to recognize it:

  • Doesn't make compliments or return
  • Controls all your steps
  • Doesn't trust you
  • Makes you always feel guilty
  • Tries to change you physically and/or psychologically
  • Never appreciates nothing you do
  • Makes you feel you aren't good enough
  • Lies and/or cheats
  • Isolates you from your friends and family
  • You find yourself looking for its approval
  • Constantly underestimate and criticises you
  • Dominates you
  • Makes decisions for you
  • Is not much affectionate
  • You don't feel yourself
  • Makes you suffer

Usually toxic love turns into a dependent and obsessive relationship.

Nothing good comes from keeping feeling the victim. It just makes you feel worse emotionally, takes your power away from you and slows things down. 
Take responsibility for your feelings and move on from this toxic love. Free yourself!