7 Myths about Love

1- The one that truly loves me, will love me for who I am!
There are people that believe that love is to accept who they are. 
That's understandable, but depends on who you are. Nobody can truly love and accept someone that mistreat us...

So, think.. How do I treat others? What do they complain about me? why?  Are they complaining about an attribute? Is it about something good that I am doing to them?  So, what are they complaining about?

To love is also to love others "imperfections", like coming always late, loud snoring, being messy,...
But that is not the same as loving "imperfections" that make us suffer, that mistreat us.. 

Imagine, the stubbornness. 
The stubbornness can be two very different things: the stubbornness that wants to force the others to go its way and the stubbornness that simply doesn't want to be forced to do things that doesn't like or want. 

It's easy to understand which one is acceptable and not. 
Obviously the first one is not easy to accept, and it's not a good form of love or to interact with anyone.
The first one hurts others and the second one doesn't. 

Anyway, nobody should think themselves so perfect that  don't need changes.
Working in ourselves, connecting, becoming a better person will improve your relationships with everybody and with yourself. 

2- Routine Kills Love slowly 
Forget everything you read about how to avoid monotony in your relationship. That is only important to maintain superficial love…just to keep up appearances.

To truly love, we need to be ourselves and do what we like to do. If we aren't ourselves to please and entertain the other, that is not love. That's acting!

Love is not to entertain the other to not get bored of us. But to have fun together! 

There's no routine in love..all the moments are precious..We are building a relationship.

3- Me, My Strong Personality and You
There are people that are very proud of having a strong personality. Here, we find two words that are not compatible with love: strong personality and pride.  

So, what is a strong personality? Typically is a person that isn't very flexible, not easily influenced, with very strong opinions. 
Not so bad.. if isn't followed by domination; subjugation of others; imposing their wills and desires;  wanting to be the leader of people that aren't looking for one; expressing themselves aggressively; not accepting different opinions; and never feeling any remorses or regrets cause they are proud of their strong personality. The others are weak cause don't have a strong personality.  

In Love things like strong personality are not compatible, and is not a quality of a good person. 

Love is not a boxing ring! It's not a fight to measure strengths, to understand who is the stronger and who gives in.   That is something else. 

If you feel the need to prove yourself stronger, better than others and to convince them that your opinions are greater, there are healthier ways of doing it: Join debate groups or forums,    practice competitive sports, and more. There  absolutely no need to use somebody as your punching bag. Even worse when you bring this to Love. 

Love needs understanding, humility, flexibility. The more, the better. 

Generally, people with this characteristics suffers from some sort of inferiority complex  and for that reason they need to prove themselves.  

Instead of competing with others that aren't competing with you, why don't you compete with yourself to become better, to improve your skills, to be the best in your area? Why don't you join activities where people are there to compete?

If you don't agree, it will take longer for you to find true love... because the only person that will accept to be treated by you, like this, is someone with low self-esteem; someone that believes cannot get anyone better.. it will be a relationship of frustrations..

Analyze yourself. Reflect. 

4 - When I find my soulmate, everything will be perfect
All my life I believed that somewhere in the world, there was my soulmate. Someone  who would think my thoughts; someone who would share the same tastes, values, everything; someone that would always understand me in any level; and in the moment we saw each other we would feel such connection that we would immediately know that we would be together forever. 
The tragic part is that as my soulmate could be anywhere in the world, I could very possibly die without never meet this special person.

The true is that even with your soulmate there will always be the problems of the daily life to face together.

I believe it will be easier to solve them, but the reality is that nobody is perfect, at least not for long. All of us carries our luggage filled with past experiences, memories, traumas, fears, goals, believes, needs, desires,...  our uniqueness!

Your soulmate is perfect for you, but not perfect. After all it's a human being. 

So, before you leave your partner because some problems happened, to go looking for your truly soulmate, remember there will be always problems to solve. 

Your current partner can be your soulmate. 

5 - We should love ourselves first to be able to love others

A person that doesn't love herself/himself, cannot believe that can be loved, so hardly will believe that someone will love her/him.   So for that reason cannot live True Love.

This person will be more susceptible to abusive relationships, felling attracted by those people of "strong personality", that will be delighted to treat them the way they believe they deserve.

But, it can happen that this person with self-esteem problems can become aggressive and abusive as a form of defense. As nobody loves me, I will hurt them. 

Anyway,each case is unique. There are always different variants and conditions.  

Well, what makes this sentence a myth is that we definetly should love ourselves, but we shouldn't think ourselves more important that the other. That we are in first place. 
That isn't love, not here, not in China... 

Besides that, if a "good person" crosses the path of the one with the wounded self-esteem, everything can change. There will be, for sure, some work to make her/him believe that she/he is lovable. 
So even if you don't love yourself it can be possible to find true love..

6 - There is no Love like the one of the old days
Those couples who are married for many years can be living, indeed, a true love. But living together for many years isn't synonymous of true love.   

Unfortunately, many of those couples are still together  for their children, for the bills, for the appearances,  for economic interests, for religious reasons, because of psychological abuse,  domestic violence, submission, because of blackmail..

Things are not always what they seem. 

This sentence "there is no Love like the one of the old days" is so true as are true the happy photos that people post in the social networks.  

7 - Money is the key to successful relationships
There's no much to say about this. 
We just need to look to the love stories of the famous and rich
They are considered the most beautiful, the hottest, the sexiest in the world, they are famous and rich however their marriages fails...